Monday, September 29, 2008

Our Real First Post!!!

So yesterday Laura came running after me threatening to kill me if I didn't give her my password. I like my life so I gave it to her. Needless to say, she started our blog (Yes, that first one from "us" is not from us, it's from her). Oh, and now I can't figure out how all my money got transferred out of our bank account. Maybe I should come up with a new password.

So anyways, I guess we will jump off the all have. Check back now and then to see what we're not up to.

We'll get some pictures up later.

1 comment:

Laura and Joseph said...

I'm glad to see you posted! Oh, and that money is long gone by now, but maybe Joseph and I will invite you to our new yacht sometime. How does that sound? Actually, maybe we won't, because you did just publicize the threat that I think will taint my "sweet and innocent" image I've worked so hard to build all these years!